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Cleanrooms are Important in Manufacturing


Cleanrooms are used in practically every industry where small particles can interfere with the manufacturing process. Cleanrooms are an environment where the level of contamination is controlled, specified by the number of particles per cubic meter at a specified particle size. Humidity, temperature and pressure can also be controlled by control panel.

The size and complexity of cleanrooms vary dependent on the industries they are to be used in, for example, in the biotech industry, strict enviromental control is very essential.

The key component of a cleanroom is the High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter where all air delivered to the room is passed through and particles that are 0.3 micron and larger in size are filtered out. Sometimes it may be necessary for an Ultra Low Particulate Air (ULPA) filter to be used, where more stringent cleanliness is needed. People, the manufacturing process, facilities and equipment generate the contaminants that are filtered out by the HEPA or ULPA filters.

Every year, more and more manufacturing processes and products are being developed that make cleanroom production environments essential.  This is especially true in the screen print industry, pharmaceutical industry and food industry,where contaminates can infiltrate the manufacturing process and negatively impact the quality of the finished products.

Benefits of Cleanrooms include:

Good Investment

Investing in a cleanroom can be potentially lucrative especially where competition is fierce. Being one of the few that have the capabilities and know-how to have a superior manufacturing process, will make you a more reliable and appealing partner, resulting in more business opportunities in the future.


The cleanroom environment has a direct impact on the safety of the manufacturing process as well as sustained repeatability of quality product, ensuring that standards are consistently met time and time again.

Reduced Wastage

By using a cleanroom, many every day contaminants that affect the manufacturing process will be eliminated. If there are no contaminations to negatively impact the manufacturing process then parts cannot be affected by it, thus reducing waste.

Cost Reductions

A combination of the above two benefits, will result in cost savings as fewer manufacturing process will need to be repeated as greater control over the environment and extraneous variables will be had.

If you are to stand out from your competitors, and be the very best of the best, a cleanroom manufacturing environment is essential; ensuring the product quality is of the highest standard and reliably reproduced time and time over.

+86 755 86193786